How you can help
Volunteer Opportunities
If you or your organization have volunteer ideas, or are looking for ways to donate your time to Missouri Shores, please call us at 605-224-0256. We are always grateful to our community for their support! Ways you can volunteer your time include:
- Lawn maintenance
- Snow removal
- Help sorting and organizing donations
- If you have a pickup and flexible schedule, you can help clients move into their apartments
- Weekend advocacy
- Board service
- Grant writing
- Hanging up posters, flyers, or tear-offs
- Help setting up for events
Attend our events and help spread the word!
We understand that time and money are limited, but we would still love to see you at our free awareness events or sharing information about our organization in the community. For a list of upcoming events, check our Facebook page, our website, or contact our office.

Bring in your DakotaMart receipts
For everyone $1,000 worth of DakotaMart receipts Missouri Shores brings in, the DakotaMart We Care program will donate $100 back. To help, just mail your receipts to:
Missouri Shores DVC
PO Box 398
Pierre, SD 57501
OR call 605-224-0256 for the address to drop off to.